23 - Introduction for the Non-Traditonal Applicant Series

Published: July 20, 2017, 9:33 p.m.

Now that we’ve met the admissions deans at the TMDSAS participating schools, we’re moving into a new series that aims to help a population of applicants that don’t typically have as much support: non-traditional applicants.


Join our online communities to receive early access to the podcasts, ask questions and receive information directly from TMDSAS, professional schools and advisors.

  • The TMDSAS Hub is open to all applicants in the EY2019/2020 cycle. 
  • The TMDSAS Non-Traditional Applicants group is open to all applicants who identify themselves as non-traditional and would like to connect with other applicants.

If you have any questions or comments about the podcast, reach us at podcast@tmdsas.com.

The TMDSAS Podcast is a proud affiliate of the MededMedia network.