62: Patrick Moore | From Greenpeace Founder to Environmental Doomsday Critic

Published: Feb. 14, 2020, 4 a.m.

Is the world facing a climate crisis?
There is an insistence that we are, and a determined effort to shut down debate. The science is settled, we are told, by non-scientists.

But science is never settled. That is its nature. The scientific mind always questions.

Indeed, there are many issues which are actively being suppressed and not discussed. Goalposts are constantly shifting, while the terminology switches between "global warming" and "climate change". In the meanwhile, quick, achievable solutions to the so-called "carbon emission problem" such as the use of nuclear power, are not being considered or embarked upon.

Was the environmental movement always like this? If not, how and why did it change? And what can we do to bring back sense and rationality to the discussion?

I am pleased to discuss these issues today on my podcast with Dr. Patrick Moore.

Dr. Patrick Moore has been a leader in the international environmental field for over 30 years. He is a founding member of Greenpeace and served for nine years as President of Greenpeace Canada and seven years as a Director of Greenpeace International. As the leader of many campaigns Dr. Moore was a driving force shaping policy and direction while Greenpeace became the world's largest environmental activist organization.

We discuss:
- his deplatforming by the City of Regina for challenging their 100% renewable goals
- what are the stats about the safety of nuclear power?
- has the environmental movement moved away from science to blind faith?
- What are "Invisible Fake Catastrophes" and how has this taken over the environmental movement?
- How he and others started Greenpeace in Vancouver against nuclear weapons testing and ecological harm
- the battle for the control of Greenpeace and his departure
- the success of Greenpeace in the 1970s and 1980s in tackling the major issues of air, water and land pollution, nuclear testing, whaling, etc.
- how the environmental movement today uses fear as its primary fundraising tool
- why do people believe that the polar bear population is in danger, when the population is booming?
- how organisation use popular misunderstandings of the process of "bleaching" of coral reefs to create false alarm
- How we have the LOWEST concentration of carbon dioxide in the earth's history  
- Do we actually need MORE carbon dioxide for life to thrive optimally?
- Has recent CO2 increase actually greened the earth?
- was the 1990s deforestation emergency about the Amazon justified?
- why we need critical thinking skills more than ever
- Is the Green New Deal harmful to development in Africa, Asia and Latin America?