52: Dennis Small | The US, China, and Latin American development

Published: Dec. 6, 2019, 4 a.m.

After over a decade of real progress being made in Latin America, a serious period of crisis appears to be upon us.

US-backed counter-coups appear to be installing neoliberal regimes, similar to what happened in the 1970s and 1980s. Bolivia appears to be on the brink of civil war, and this can have a spillover effect in Brazil and elsewhere.

It is one part of the world chaos that seems to be rising again and threatening development, prosperity for the majority of humanity, and peace.

Today my guest is Dennis Small, Ibero-America editor, of Executive Intelligence Review magazine. Through the LaRouche Movement, Dennis has been key in the decades-long fight for a just New World Economic Order (NWEO) based on North-South cooperation and development. He works throughout the Americas and has a great deal of knowledge about the region, and connection to some of its movers and shakers.

It's my pleasure to welcome Dennis to the show.


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