The Cities Are Dying

Published: April 14, 2020, 11:53 p.m.


Maria\\u2019s back and feeling better! For today\\u2019s roundtable, she and Julio revisit the last two cities In The Thick did live shows in before the pandemic. They chat with ITT All-Stars, Stephen Henderson, host of WDET\\u2019s Detroit Today, and R.L. (Ryan) Nave, editor-in-chief at Mississippi Today, about how their respective communities are faring during the coronavirus outbreak. ITT Staff Picks: - Over 35,000 immigrants are in detention in the U.S., and as the spread of COVID-19 continues many are left vulnerable without access to adequate healthcare or the ability to socially distance via Latino USA. - Mississippi Today reports on what the financial fallout of COVID-19 means for small, rural businesses such as a meat market in Cleveland, Mississippi. - On\\xa0Detroit Today, Stephen Henderson talks with another Detroit reporter on why Michigan is failing its African American residents in the fight against the coronavirus. \\xa0


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