Systemic Exhaustion

Published: June 9, 2020, 11 p.m.


As thousands of protestors fill the streets, Maria and Julio talk about the #BlackLivesMatter movement, performative allyship, and what it means to abolish the police with\\xa0Karen Attiah, global opinions editor for the Washington Post and ITT All-Star\\xa0Dr. Christina Greer, associate professor of political science at Fordham University and co-host of the podcast FAQ NYC. ITT Staff Picks: - Karen Attiah writes for The Washington Post\\xa0about #blackouttuesday and performative solidarity. - Jenna Wortham writes for The New York Times\\xa0about why this time \\u2014 the biggest collective demonstration of civil unrest in our generation\'s memory \\u2014 is different. - Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor asks, "How do we change this country?" in this article for\\xa0The New Yorker. Photo Credit: Nicholas Ortiz \\xa0


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