Raising Antiracist Leaders

Published: June 21, 2022, 10:27 p.m.


Maria and Julio are joined by Ibram X. Kendi, founding director of the Boston University Center for Antiracist Research, for a conversation about his new book \\u201cHow to Raise an Antiracist.\\u201d They discuss the evolution of his antiracist scholarship, the rise in mass shootings and white supremacist attacks, and how Black and brown communities can work together in solidarity.


This episode was mixed by Rosana Cab\\xe1n.


ITT Staff Picks:

  • Jaden Edison writes about how descendants of formerly enslaved people are using the Juneteenth holiday to educate younger generations, in this article for the Texas Tribune.\\xa0

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  • \\u201cAs Americans celebrate Juneteenth this year, it is difficult not to wonder how much more free \\u2014 truly free \\u2014 Black Americans are today than they were on Juneteenth 1922, or even Juneteenth 1865,\\u201d writes Sean Collins in this article for Vox.\\xa0

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  • Nicole Carr investigates how a Black public school educator was targeted by white parents in Georgia in this collaboration from ProPublica and Frontline.

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Photo credit: Stephen Voss
