Occupiers Of Our Community

Published: April 20, 2021, 11:35 p.m.


As we continue to see police violence throughout the country, Maria and Julio reimagine community safety with guests Victoria Law, freelance journalist and author of the new book, \\u201cPrisons Make Us Safe: and 20 Other Myths About Mass Incarceration,\\u201d and Joshua Briond, abolitionist and co-host of the \\u201cMillennials Are Killing Capitalism\\u201d podcast. They discuss abolition, resistance and what justice and liberation can look like.\\xa0 ITT Staff Picks: - \\u201cHistorically, police have surveilled, repressed and infiltrated individuals, organizations, and political parties that they have deemed ideological enemies because their interests represent a legitimate threat to the capitalist white supremacist status quo,\\u201d Joshua writes in this article for the Hampton Institute. - In an interview for The Nation, organizer Mariame Kaba illustrates a collective vision of abolition discussing her new book, \\u201cWe Do This \\u2019Til We Free Us\\u201d. - Listen to this past ITT episode about abolition with Charlene Carruthers, founding member of Black Youth Project 100, and Ejeris Dixon, director of Vision Change Win. Photo credit: AP Photo/Ted S. Warren \\xa0


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