ITT Sound Off: Words Matter

Published: March 19, 2021, 10:30 p.m.


Maria and Julio discuss the aftermath of the tragic violence in Georgia this week which left 8 people dead, the majority of whom were Asian women. They get into the need for mainstream media and authorities to call this casualty what it is: a hate crime. They also unpack the latest on immigration, including the dehumanizing language used by the Biden administration and mainstream media when referring to refugees. And lastly, they talk about the Senate hearing on the proposed Equality Act. ITT Staff Picks: - In light of the violent targeted attack this week, the Broadcast Advisory Council of the Asian American Association of Journalists\\xa0released a statement\\xa0urging newsrooms to empower and recognize the work and expertise of their AAPI journalists. The Asian American Journalists Association also released guidance\\xa0via Twitter\\xa0and\\xa0their website\\xa0for newsrooms reporting on this topic.\\xa0 - "The beliefs have been shaped by legal code, America\'s history of imperialism and the prevailing culture," historian Ellen Wu told Kimmy Yam in\\xa0this article for NBC News, "one factor that helps explain the toxic environment for Asian women is the type of labor they were relegated to in the U.S. beginning in the 19th century, she said." - Kate Sosin, LGBTQ+ reporter at The 19th,\\xa0reported on a new poll\\xa0which found that "70 percent of the country supports the Equality Act, the watershed nondiscrimination protections bill for LGBTQ+ people that is heading to the Senate Judiciary Committee."\\xa0 Photo credit: AP Photo/Candice Choi \\xa0


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