ITT Sound Off: The Mess

Published: Oct. 2, 2020, 11 p.m.


Maria and Julio unpack the mess of this week from President Trump and the first lady testing positive for COVID-19 to the first 2020 presidential debate. They also discuss the snubbing of Latinx voters throughout the election season.\\xa0 RSVP for our next virtual LIVE ITT show that will be on Wednesday, Oct. 14th at 7:30pm ET: Maria and Julio will be joined by All-Star guests Imara Jones, creator of TransLash Media, and Jenni Monet, founder of Indigenously to discuss the 2020 election and the POC vote. For more info and to RSVP, click here. ITT Staff Picks: - \\u201cToxic masculinity takes center stage at the first presidential debate,\\u201d writes Errin Haines for The 19th. - Lola M\\xe9ndez examines how Twitter is responding to Telemundo\\u2019s misleading Post-Debate poll in this piece for Remezcla. - \\u201cTrump\\u2019s call for supporters to watch polls \\u2018very carefully\\u2019 raises concerns of voter intimidation,\\u201d writes Daniella Silva for NBC News.\\xa0 Photo credit:\\xa0AP Photo/Julio Cortez \\xa0


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