ITT Sound Off: Texas Forever

Published: Feb. 19, 2021, 11:07 p.m.


In this week\'s Sound Off, Maria and Julio unpack the latest in Texas as the state and its vulnerable communities have been devastated by a winter storm and freezing temperatures. They also talk about the official announcement\\xa0of Biden\'s immigration bill that would grant an 8-year pathway to citizenship for 11 million immigrants, and they get into the already forgotten impeachment trial and acquittal of Donald Trump.\\xa0 This list from TIME\\xa0shows how you can help winter storm victims in Texas. ITT Staff Picks: - "Low-income Texans of color bore some of the heaviest weight of the power outages as the inequities drawn into the state\\u2019s urban centers were exacerbated in crisis." Former ITT producer Juan Pablo Garnham and Alexa Ura write about the winter storm\'s impact on POC communities in\\xa0Texas,\\xa0via the Texas Tribune. - "The crisis has piled onto an already tense environment inside some Texas jails that had been struggling to deal with the coronavirus pandemic even before the loss of power and water this week."\\xa0This piece from the Washington Post\\xa0looks at the layers of impact on incarcerated individuals.\\xa0 - This piece looks at the uncertain odds of passing Biden\'s new immigration bill\\u2013 even with a Democratic majority,\\xa0via Politico.\\xa0 Photo credit: AP Photo/David J. Phillip \\xa0


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