ITT Sound Off: Political Crises

Published: Nov. 20, 2020, 10:11 p.m.


Maria and Julio give an update on America\\u2019s political crisis and discuss Republican efforts to stall the transition. They also talk about the political crisis in Peru and hear from special guest Ana Luc\\xeda Mosquera Rosado about what organizing in Peru looks like. Plus, they look at the latest with the COVID-19 pandemic.\\xa0 ITT Staff Picks: - \\u201cTrump\\u2019s Attempts to Overturn the Election Are Unparalleled in U.S. History,\\u201d writes David E. Sanger for The New York Times.\\xa0 - In the latest podcast for Latino Rebels, Julio sits down with Peruvian journalists Diego Jes\\xfas Bartesaghi Mena and Fiorella Gil Mena to unpack the Peruvian political crisis.\\xa0\\xa0 - The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic shares five takeaways from this week\'s data. Photo credit:\\xa0AP Photo/Rodrigo Abd \\xa0


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