ITT Sound Off: Organizing in a Pandemic

Published: June 26, 2020, 10 p.m.


COVID-19 cases are surging nationwide, and President Trump is unilaterally imposing strict immigration restrictions. Maria and Julio get into that and more as they talk about the people powered organizing that is pushing back \\u2014 often in creative ways \\u2014 and recap this past week\'s 2020 primary elections. ITT Staff Picks:\\xa0 - Joe Coscarelli\\xa0writes for The New York Times\\xa0about how K-Pop fans are turning to political activism online.\\xa0 - Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern\\xa0write for Slate\\xa0about the Supreme Court ruling that "approved the Trump administration\'s draconian interpretation of a federal law that limits courts\' ability to review deportation orders."\\xa0 - Bridget Read writes\\xa0"Don\'t Call Her a Fluke"\\xa0for The Cut\\xa0about Alexandria Ocasio Cortez\'s\\xa0victory.\\xa0 Photo Credit: AP Photo/Paul Sancya, File \\xa0


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