ITT Sound Off: Legacy Media Problems

Published: Oct. 28, 2022, 10:37 p.m.


Maria and Julio get into the latest with the midterms, including the Pennsylvania Senate debate between Republican candidate Mehmet Oz and Democratic candidate John Fetterman. They also talk about the mainstream media\\u2019s coverage of the election, the consequences of Kanye West\\u2019s antisemitic and anti-Black comments and voter intimidation efforts in Arizona.


ITT Staff Picks:

  • \\u201cIt\\u2019s a reflection of a larger issue: our country\\u2019s persisting discomfort around disabled bodies and minds. In some ways, it\\u2019s not surprising, given the fact that we continue to see so few visible examples of people with disabilities integrated into everyday life,\\u201d writes Mihir Kakara about the discourse around Democrat John Fetterman in this opinion piece for The Philadelphia Inquirer.

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  • \\u201cAfter years of trafficking in bigotry, Kanye West has finally been kan-celed. But at second glance, the consequences for West might be less a victory for social justice than a sign of its current limits,\\u201d writes Karen Attiah in her analysis for The Washington Post.

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  • Katie Friel and Jasleen Singh of the Brennan Center for Justice share this guide on federal and state laws addressing voter intimidation as we head into the midterm elections.

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Photo credit: AP Photo/Ryan Collerd, File
