ITT Sound Off: FTW

Published: Oct. 30, 2020, 10:38 p.m.


Maria and Julio break down the electorate in the final ITT show before election day. They also hear from Astrid Silva, former ITT guest and immigration activist in Nevada, on voting in her state. RSVP for ITT\'s Live\\xa0Election\\xa0Night Show:\\xa0Join us on Tuesday, Nov. 3rd starting at 6pm ET! Maria and Julio will be joined by ITT All-Stars to provide live\\xa0election\\xa0analysis and coverage from a Black, Indigenous and POC perspective. Trust us you don\'t want to miss this one!\\xa0For more info and to RSVP, click here. - We also want to hear from you before our\\xa0election\\xa0night show and your voice might just be featured in the livestream:\\xa0Call our ITT hotline and tell us what\'s one thing you\'re worried about\\xa0OR\\xa0finding hope in with\\xa0election\\xa0day and its potential aftermath.\\xa0Leave us a voicemail at 505-226-8973. ITT is a finalist for the 2020 Discover Pods Awards. Support our work and vote for us in the category Best podcast created and/or hosted by a POC here. Voting closes November 6 at 6pm ET. ITT Staff Picks - \\u201cAre Asian Americans the Last Undecided Voters?\\u201d asks Hua Hsu via The New Yorker.\\xa0 - The Supreme Court allows election officials in Pennsylvania and North Carolina to accept absentee ballots for several days following Election Day, via Adam Liptak for The New York Times.\\xa0 - In a piece for Mother Jones, Fernanda Echavarri examines how select Latinx Evangelical faith leaders talk politics.\\xa0 Photo credit: LM Otero/AP Photo \\xa0


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