ITT Sound Off: Everybody Gets an Impeachment Clause

Published: Oct. 4, 2019, 8:44 p.m.


Maria and Julio are back with another Sound Off! They talk the latest in the impeachment proceedings chaos and how the media should cover authoritarianism. They also give an immigration update and discuss the\\xa0conviction and sentencing of Amber Guyger, the Dallas police officer who shot and killed her black neighbor, Botham Shem Jean, last September.\\xa0 \\xa0 ITT Staff Picks:

  • Botham Jean, Amber Guyger and the Delusion of Forgiveness, via\\xa0The Root\\n
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  • From\\xa0The Intercept: Trump Attacked the Women of Color Who Led the Push for Impeachment. Then CNN Erased Them.\\xa0
  • \\n
  • The Trump administration plans to collect DNA samples from some undocumented immigrants who are being detained, via\\xa0Buzzfeed News\\nFor information regarding your data privacy, visit For information regarding your data privacy, visit \\xa0
  • \\n

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