ITT Sound Off: Epidemic of Violence

Published: May 15, 2020, 10:15 p.m.


Maria and Julio discuss Dr. Anthony Fauci\'s and Rick Bright\'s congressional testimonies on the pandemic response. They also dive into the Supreme Court\'s pending decision around DACA which could strip protections from hundreds of thousands. Finally, they return to policing and criminal justice during the pandemic and the ongoing violence toward black and brown communities. ITT Staff Picks:\\xa0 - Rick Bright, former director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, testifies before Congress and the Trump Administration is not happy about it\\xa0via Politico. - "If you ran for Ahmaud, you need to stand for Bre," says civil rights attorney Ben Crump in this\\xa0article from The Root. - Even with repeated warnings from public health experts about the spread of the coronavirus in prisons, restrictive criteria and bureaucratic hurdles mean that only a small number of people have actually been released\\xa0via The Intercept. \\xa0


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