ITT Sound Off: Election Week

Published: Nov. 6, 2020, 10:50 p.m.


Maria and Julio discuss the ongoing 2020 election results and the BIPOC vote. They hear from Grecia Lima, national political director for Community Change Action, on Latino electoral power in Arizona. They also unpack the historic wins in down-ballot races on the state and local level. Did you miss our live election night show? You can still catch it here! ITT Staff Picks: - \\u201cA record number of Native American women are headed to Congress,\\u201d writes Mariel Padilla for The 19th. - Daniel Nichanian and Anna Simonton examine how voters responded to criminal justice reform for The Appeal. - \\u201cThere are few unifying ties between Puerto Ricans in Pennsylvania, Mexicans in Texas, and Venezuelans in Florida, other than the artificial category of Latino voter,\\u201d ITT All-Star, Andrea Gonz\\xe1lez-Ram\\xedrez explains why there\\u2019s no such thing as the \\u201cLatino Vote\\u201d in Gen Magazine by Medium. Photo credit:\\xa0AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell \\xa0


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