ITT Sound Off: Eccentric Circles

Published: Jan. 26, 2019, 12:20 a.m.


Nathan Phillips, a Native American elder man, sang a prayer song to make peace between a group of MAGA hat-wearing white Catholic high school students and members of the Black Hebrew Israelites. Maria and Julio talk about the aftermath and the context in which the video of the confrontation occurred. They also discuss the arrest and indictment of one of President Trump\'s top aides, Roger Stone and the unfolding political crisis in Venezuela and the involvement of the U.S. government. \\xa0\\xa0 ITT Staff Picks:

  • An analysis of the coverage of the Lincoln Memorial incident and the overcorrection of the media in the Trump era, from\\xa0The Atlantic.
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  • Where Will Venezuela Go Next? An analysis of the latest, by\\xa0Latino Rebels.
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  • An explainer of Roger Stone\'s arrest and indictment, via\\xa0Vox.\\xa0\\n\\xa0 For information regarding your data privacy, visit For information regarding your data privacy, visit \\xa0
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