ITT Sound Off: Constant State of Whiplash

Published: Sept. 10, 2021, 11:49 p.m.


Maria and Julio dive deep into the latest news with reproductive rights, including the Texas law that came into effect earlier this month, prohibiting abortions as early as six weeks into a pregnancy, and a recent decision from Mexico\\u2019s Supreme Court to decriminalize abortion. They also reflect on the damage from Hurricane Ida in Louisiana and along the Northeast coast.\\xa0 ITT Staff Picks:\\xa0 - Elie Mystal writes for The Nation about all the things Democrats can do to fight Texas\\u2019s abortion ban, and protect reproductive rights.\\xa0 - Juanita Ramos Ardila reports for Latino Rebels about the decision by Mexico\\u2019s Supreme Court to decriminalize abortion.\\xa0 - \\u201cBy shutting down operations in a controlled manner well ahead of the hurricane making landfall and installing equipment that prevents excess flaring, refineries can prevent enormous pollution events during hurricanes,\\u201d write Naveena Sadasivam and Jake Bittle for Mother Jones.\\xa0 Photo credit: AP Photo/Jim Salter \\xa0


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