ITT Sound Off: Colonial Undertones

Published: March 12, 2021, 11:26 p.m.


Maria and Julio discuss President Biden\\u2019s first address to the nation, including his promise that every adult American will be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine come May 1. They also unpack the latest on immigration and the need for media coverage to include\\xa0the historical context of U.S. foreign policy that destabilized regions, like Central America, and forced people to flee from their homes. Finally, they get into Prince Harry and Meghan Markle\\u2019s interview with Oprah, and the nuances behind the issues raised around racism, colonialism and the monarchy. \\xa0 ITT Staff Picks: - Michele L. Norris writes for the\\xa0Washington Post\\xa0Opinions about the royal family: \\u201cThe disparate treatment of someone with Black ancestry, the obsession with skin color, the private consternation over bloodlines and mixed marriage. Let\\u2019s not pretend that the United States has rid itself of these particular strains of the virus called racism.\\u201d - Deanna Pan of the\\xa0Boston Globe\\xa0reports\\xa0about the vaccine rates among Latinos lagging in Massachusetts:\\xa0\\u201cCritics of the state\\u2019s rollout say the racial and ethnic disparities are a reflection of an inherently inequitable vaccination system that privileges the white middle class at the expense of immigrants, people of color, and the poor." - A breakdown of the American Rescue Plan, via Emily Stewart in\\xa0Vox.\\xa0 Photo credit: Joe Pugliese/Harpo Productions via AP, File \\xa0


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