ITT Sound Off: America Showed Up

Published: Nov. 13, 2020, 10:20 p.m.


Maria and Julio discuss the Republican Party\'s efforts to undermine the election results. They also give updates on the Biden-Harris transition process and the country\\u2019s COVID-19 surge.\\xa0 ITT Staff Picks - \\u201cThere\\u2019s no saving America\\u2019s soul. There\'s no restoring the soul. There\'s no fighting for the soul of America. There\\u2019s no uniting the souls of America. There is only fighting off the other soul of America,\\u201d writes Ibram X. Kendi for The Atlantic.\\xa0 - In an op-ed for The Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin writes that Republicans may never have the nerve to stand up to Trump.\\xa0 - Elena Moore examines the initiatives and actions that President-elect Joe Biden plans to implement during his first 100 days of office via NPR.\\xa0 Photo credit:\\xa0AP Photo/Andrew Harnik \\xa0


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