ITT Sound Off: A Study in Greed

Published: July 23, 2021, 10:57 p.m.


Julio and guest co-host Jamilah King, reporter and host of the Mother Jones podcast, discuss the ruling of DACA as unlawful by a Texas-based federal judge. They also talk about the Tokyo Olympics and the health toll it could take on the city and Japan, and the ongoing coal miners strike in Alabama, which first started in April.\\xa0 ITT Staff Picks: - Thousands of prospective DACA recipients are left in limbo yet again because of a federal judge\\u2019s recent ruling against the program, reports Isabela Dias for Mother Jones. - Health officials and the Japanese public worry that the Tokyo Olympics could become a COVID-19 superspreader event as cases rise throughout the city, Zaheena Rasheed reports for Al Jazeera. - For The Nation, Kim Kelly, an independent labor journalist, reports on the historic coal miners strike in Alabama: \\u201cA hundred and thirty-one years later, the current members of District 20 are out on an unfair labor practices strike against Warrior Met.\\u201d Photo credit: AP Photo/Shuji Kajiyama \\xa0


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