ITT Sound Off: A Nation on Fire

Published: Sept. 11, 2020, 11:10 p.m.


In this week\'s\\xa0Sound\\xa0Off, Maria and Julio take a moment to reflect on 9/11 and its impacts that are still felt 19 years later. They talk about journalist Bob Woodward\'s revelations that he had been holding on to since February, that President Trump knew about the severity of the coronavirus early on. They also discuss the latest polling with Latino voters and the tragic fires that have been spreading across West Coast states.\\xa0 ITT Staff Picks: - "What if the real story about the Trump era is less about Trump and more about the people who surround and protect him?" asks\\xa0Jennifer Szalai in this\\xa0New York Times book review of Bob Woodward\'s "Rage". - Young Latinos Plan to Vote in Unprecedented Numbers, New Study by Telemundo and BuzzFeed Finds,\\xa0via Latino Rebels. - The Former Prisoners Fighting California\\u2019s Wildfires,\\xa0via The Marshall Project. Photo Credit:\\xa0AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez \\xa0


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