ITT Sound Off: A Disgraced City Council

Published: Oct. 14, 2022, 10:48 p.m.


Maria and Julio discuss the racist comments made by some Latino Los Angeles City Council members in a leaked audio recording. They also get into the move to subpoena former President Trump during this week\\u2019s January 6th hearing, and discuss charges against former San Antonio police officer James Brennand for the shooting of 17-year-old Erik Cantu.


ITT Staff Picks:

  • \\u201cAs the Latino population increases and diversifies, the persistence of racism threatens to dissolve hard-won Latino political and civil rights gains and fracture delicately balanced coalitions with other racial groups,\\u201d write Suzanne Gamboa and Edwin Flores in this analysis for NBC News.\\xa0

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  • Dan Friedman reports about the latest House Committee hearing investigating the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol, which showed new evidence that former President Trump admitted he had lost, but publicly declared victory in part to rile up his supporters, for Mother Jones.\\xa0

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  • Andrea Blanco and Gino Spocchia report for The Independent about 17-year-old Erik Cantu, who remains in critical condition after being shot by former San Antonio police officer, James Brennand.

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Photo credit: AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu
