ITT EXTRA: Out of Many, One!

Published: Oct. 10, 2018, 10:40 p.m.


Maria and Julio talk about the aftermath of the Kavanaugh SCOTUS confirmation, the rise of a populist in Brazil and the conviction of a Chicago police officer for shooting and killing 17-year-old Laquan McDonald four years ago. \\xa0 ITT Staff Picks

  • An analysis of why many white women didn\'t believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, from\\xa0Rewire.News.
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  • \\nThis is the tent city\\xa0built in Texas for the migrant children, from The New York Times.
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  • \\nFrom The Chicago Tribune,\\xa0the story of the father and son who testified as eyewitnesses on the Laquan McDonald case.\\nFor information regarding your data privacy, visit \\xa0
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