The Anatomy of My Eye: myopia, cataract, vitreous and retina detachment

Published: Dec. 20, 2018, 7 p.m.


Do you know about myopia?

Do you know it can affect more than just the quality of your eye sight?

Do you know it can affect the health of the retina?

Do you know a frequent error that occurs during cataract surgery?

Do you know that frequent error can serverely affect the health of the retina?

I learned from my eye doctor in Prishtina, Kosovo, what my eye doctor in Amelia Island, Florida, failed to tell me about myopia, cataract surgery, and potential retina complications....complications that can cause loss of sight.

This informative and dramatic podcast details my experiences from Madrid to Kosovo many times I came close to losing my sight.

\\xa0And, note, unfortunately, the story continues after this podcast, first released in early 2018.

Watch for a follow up podcast on this channel.\\xa0\\xa0

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