9: Religious Liberty in America: From Burning Convents to Baking Cakes

Published: May 10, 2019, 1:14 p.m.

This week Amy is joined by journalist and author Steven Waldman, whose new book SACRED LIBERTY: AMERICA'S LONG, BLOODY, AND ONGOING STRUGGLE OVER RELIGIOUS FREEDOM was published this week.  Their conversation covers the long and evolving history of religious liberty in America, the fact that anti-Catholicism has been the most common feature of religious liberty violations, and the role that evangelicals could--emphasis on _could_--play in easing current tensions over clashing rights. Discussed This Week: [Sacred Liberty: America's Long, Bloody, and Ongoing Struggle for Religious Freedom](https://www.politics-prose.com/book/9780062743145) (Steven Waldman, 2019)