Steve Horwitz on Teaching

Published: Nov. 1, 2010, 1:27 p.m.

Chris Martin interviews Dr. Steven Horwitz, Professor of Economics at St. Lawrence University in New York, about becoming a great teacher.  Steve talks about his own evolution as an economics professor and shares tips highly useful for new and experienced teachers alike. For your reference, the two books Steve mentions in the conversation are:


Finkel, Donald L. 2000. Teaching with your mouth shut. Boynton/Cook Publishers, March.   


Garnett, Robert F. 2008. Hayek and liberal pedagogy. The Review of Austrian Economics 22, no. 4 (9): 315-331.


Also, don’t adjust your dial! The phone connection for this podcast was a little scratchy.  The conversation remains understandable throughout, however, and Dr. Horwitz’s insights are well worth it.