Vegemite Factory Smell Awarded Cultural Distinction

Published: June 3, 2022, 6 p.m.


Vegemite. You may have heard of it thanks to the Men At Work song, but it\\u2019s possible you\\u2019ve never tried it. It\\u2019s a dark, thick and salty yeast extract spread and a famous Australian delicacy. And it turns out, it gives off such a distinct smell during the manufacturing process that it\\u2019s been awarded a special heritage recognition from the city of Melbourne.

According to the Guardian, the city council this week voted unanimously to include the scent in any statement of significance assigned to 1 Vegemite Way in Fishermans Bend, site of the company\\u2019s nearly 100-year-old factory. Deputy Lord Mayor Nicholas Reece said the decision doesn\\u2019t necessarily mean the smell needs to be protected, but that it \\u201cshould be acknowledged in any future development of the site.\\u201d

The council was somewhat vague in its proclamation, stating only that smell should be interpreted on a plaque or other means when the site is redeveloped. That leaves the door open for future developers to install a Vegemite smell machine, which really would be the right thing to do.

Bega Cheese, which owns the factory after buying the Vegemite brand from Kraft in 2017, is reportedly looking to sell the building. However, even if the company finds a buyer, it would secure a long-term lease so it could continue making Vegemite, meaning the sweet smells will likely keep churning out for years to come.

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