Olympic training during a pandemic and how the games have changed since 776 B.C.

Published: Aug. 1, 2021, 4:57 p.m.


USC has produced more Olympians, overall medalists, and gold medalists than any other U.S. university. But what has it been like to train during the pandemic for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics? What are some of the surprising ways in which the games of ancient Greece were different from the modern Olympics? What are a few of the nearly 3,000-year-old traditions that haven\\u2019t changed?

Listen in on this lively discussion with political science major and Olympian\\xa0Tina Graudina\\xa0of USC\\u2019s beach volleyball team \\u2014 the 2021 NCAA champions \\u2014 and two USC Dornsife scholars of ancient Greece:\\xa0Vincent Farenga, professor of classics and comparative literature, and\\xa0Lucas Herchenroeder, associate professor (teaching) of classics. They\\u2019ll be interviewed separately by USC Dornsife\\u2019s new student correspondent, history and archaeology major\\xa0Sean Silvia, host of \\u201cDoor to Dornsife\\u201d and \\u201cArchaeologists Anonymous\\u201d on YouTube.

USC Dornsife Dean Amber Miller provides the introduction. This recording is a part of the Dornsife Dialogues Series.
