Navigating Military Life With Pets

Published: April 29, 2019, 7 p.m.

On this episode I talk about living on base with pets or off base with pets. I talk about how base housing has lots of the same conditions as off base housing like breed restrictions and a pet deposit. Although you can make some accommodations to on base housing that you might not be able to off base... unless of course you buy a house. Then you can do whatever you want haha.

 I mention this "unspoken" rule of 2 pets per family in the military. I go into depth with what it's like to travel with pets especially flying and PCSing overseas. This is the type of airline approved kennel I was talking about. And if you do have pets and have the option to fly the rotator.... do it! Especially if you are PCSing OCONUS!

I 100% recommend the vets on the military bases. I have never had a bad experience with them and they will know exactly what you need when PCSing or living on base with your pet. I believe the military knows people love their pets and they do what you can to make your life with your pet the best. Although it's very clear... the military will not be reimbursing you for your pet travels!

Fill in your own information sheet if you are PCSing with your pet and want to put it in a clear plastic sleeve and duct tape it to the top of their kennel like I mention in the episode. Download here: