MOTHERHOOD IN FOCUS: Sarah Larson Levey On Fresh Beginnings For Both Her Family & Y7 Studio

Published: May 4, 2021, 9 a.m.


This week, I\'m hosting six conversations as part of a special series on motherhood here on Hurdle. Although I\'m not a mom just yet, my talks with Hurdlers over the years have taught me so much about this life chapter. I\'ve learned that motherhood itself is both beautiful and challenging, exhausting and rewarding. Whether or not children are in the cards for you, it\'s safe to say that we\'ve all been dramatically impacted by a mother \\u2014 whether it be our own or another \\u2014 in our lives.  So, leading up to Mother\'s Day, I\'m chatting with six extraordinary women. Some moms. Some not. But, each has a story to tell, forever shaped by the women that came before them.


The year 2020 was a one of drastic change for Y7 Studio\\u2019s Sarah Larson Levey. Between the shuttering of all of the company\\u2019s studios because of the pandemic, having a baby boy in June, and moving to Austin from New York \\u2014 it\\u2019s been an emotional whirlwind. In today\\u2019s episode, Sarah and I chat navigating coming back to her body after the baby, moving in a way that feels right for her, and agree that there\\u2019s nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight if you\\u2019re uncomfortable in yours \\u2014 as long as that\\u2019s not purely based on a number on the scale. She also mentions how motherhood has taught her the importance of patience and staying calm, both which have helped her while working to studios (Chicago just did so this week!). We agree that back to \\u201cnormal\\u201d is going to be a social adjustment for sure,  but we\\u2019re both excited for the opportunity to connect again.




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