#HURDLEMOMENT: 7 Things Every Aspiring Marathoner Should Know

Published: June 12, 2019, 9:45 a.m.

b'About 0.5 percent of the U.S. population runs a full marathon. Zero. Point. Five. Which means that if you\\u2019re listening to this week\\u2019s #hurdlemoment and you\\u2019ve either decided to run a marathon or you\\u2019re considering it, that\\u2019s pretty rad. Seven marathons down, I\\u2019m now a certified run coach with a fair share of experience under my belt. I\\u2019ve been getting loads of questions about the process, so this week I\\u2019m offering up 7 essential things every marathoner should know heading into a new training cycle. Spoiler alert: things are going to go wrong, and you\\u2019re going to be just fine.\\nSOCIAL\\n@hurdlepodcast\\n@emilyabbate\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSend in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hurdle/message'