5-MINUTE FRIDAY: What Are You Grateful For?

Published: April 17, 2020, 9 a.m.


Welcome to 5-Minute Fridays, a new segment from Hurdle where I share a quick story, offer you a prompt that makes you think, and share a few of my top highlights of the week \\u2014 whether that\\u2019s a podcast, an app, a streaming workout, a quote \\u2014 you get the idea. PLEASE, let me know what you think. Do you like this? What do you want to hear about?


This week: Are you struggling with how things were \\u201csupposed\\u201d to be? Hey, I feel you. Two months ago, coronavirus wasn\'t here. I was celebrating Valentine\'s Day with a glass of wine with my best friend at my favorite restaurant, surrounded by dozens of people. And now? We\'re wearing masks the moment we walk outside of our homes and can\'t go within 6 feet of another person. I\\u2019m here to tell you that it\\u2019s OK to feel let down, sharing a story about something tough I\'m going through personally. The catch: Make sure you do this one critical thing, and keep looking forward.


PROMPT: What are you grateful for right this very moment?






In Search For the Defining Moment by Kate Borowicz for Tempo Journal
\\nThe Gentleman
\\nEmily: The Cookbook
\\nReebok Nano X

\\n\\n--- \\n\\nSend in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/hurdle/message'