270. Brianna Cope, Pro Surfer

Published: Oct. 23, 2023, 8:45 a.m.


Brianna Cope was born with a\\xa0deformed left hand. For years, she used to hide it under the water while surfing or clench her fist in public, hoping to avoid unwanted questions. After a childhood filled with bullying and unwanted attention \\u2013 she finally got fed up. And so, she channeled her struggle into success and hit the waves, finding major success as a surfer. And along the way? Learned to embrace what she calls her "small hand" and show up as her beautiful, authentic self. For episode 270, Brianna shares how bullying drastically changed her outlook on life, how she navigated the pandemic when she lost a number of her sponsorships, and how she feels training for her first marathon in New York City on November 5.




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