How to be Superwoman at 61 years young

Published: April 12, 2019, 4:48 p.m.

Terry Abrams is a proponent for the underdog and believes that all miles are equal regardless of your pace or place. Terry is 61 years old and was an ultrarunner before it was cool. She did her first ultra in the 1980s! She was the first woman to complete the Badwater Triple (449 miles) and she recently ran 1000 miles from Enumclaw, WA to Mt. Whitney, CA. We talk about being a pioneer in the sport, learning by trial and error, being of service to others, how the Tahoe 200 is the first race she's signed up for in 20 years, Age and running, how to hydrate properly, most important personality traits of an ultrarunner, using running as medication, pain with a purpose, having a higher purpose, and so much more.

This interview was certainly one of my favorites. Podcast will be live by Friday on and your favorite podcast app.

This episode is sponsored by Kogalla. With 800 lumens of illumination, you'll never want to run, bike or hike without it. Straps to your pack, jacket, shirt!

Music by Grace Mesa, "Boom, Boom, Boom"