English & Linguistics: Poetry Reading with Carla Harryman and Barrett Watten

Published: July 8, 2014, noon

Carla Harryman and Barrett Watten give poetry readings at the Circadian Rhythm Café. Carla Harryman is a poet, essayist, novelist, and playwright. She has published thirteen single-authored works, including 'Adorno's Noise' (Essay Press, 2008) and 'Open Box' (Belladonna, 2007), and has received numerous grants and awards including from the Foundation for Contemporary Art, Opera America, the American Embassy in Romania, and the Fund for Poetry. Barrett Watten is a language-centered poet, critic, editor, and publisher. Some of his publications include 'Bad History', a nonnarrative prose poem “including history,” (Atelos, 1998) and ''Progress/Under Erasure, in a combined edition, (Green Integer,2004). He edited 'This', one of the central publications of the Language school of poetry (1971-82), and co-edited 'Poetics Journal' with Lyn Hejinian, featuring writing on poetics by poets and academics. 9 July 2014