Utilizing Your Body to Be Successful w/ Guest Manisha Tare

Published: Nov. 16, 2022, 6:20 a.m.

3.15 Utilizing Your Body to Be Successful w/ Guest Manisha Tare

Manisha talks about how to get into your body and out of your mind, how to experience what's going on in the whole of you, and the parts that we most commonly ignore. How does feeling the sensations in your body help you to be successful? How can feeling your emotions free your mind from stress? Manisha and I talk about those things in this episode.
Manisha shares some of her story, how she got into working with the body in the way she does, and how it helps people in their lives as well. Why do we need to live in our bodies as well as our minds? Why do we need to have emotions at all? Find out in this episode!
Be sure to listen to today's episode and check out Manisha's website to connect with her and find out all about how she helps people somatically.
Finally, remember, you can live all of life and have your body help you reach your goals!

Today's Sponsor:
Starlight Mentoring, https://www.starlightmentoring.com/

Guest's Bio:
Manisha Tare is Somatic Healing Practitioner and Mentor. She supports highly sensitive women to prioritize their well-being, let go of people pleasing and heal unhealthy relationship dynamics so they can confidently set boundaries and ask for what they need. She has a BS in Occupational Therapy, has taught yoga and meditation for a decade, has trained in multiple trauma-informed modalities such as craniosacral therapy and somatic attachment therapy and helps her clients feel empowered to trust themselves and their intuition.

Episode Resources:
Manisha's Website, http://manishatare.com/
Manisha's Instagram, https://www.instagram.com/manishatare/
Manisha's Podcast, http://manishatare.com/podcast/

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