Human Design, A Map for Your Life w/ Guest Carolina Wikstrom

Published: Jan. 18, 2023, 8:19 p.m.

3.24 Human Design, A Map for Your Life w/ Guest Carolina Wikstrom

Carolina starts us out this week detailing out what exactly Human Design is, I ask her a LOT of questions about it and she goes right along with it. We then get into how studying Human Design helped her in her life and how it can help you in yours, with it acting like a map to understanding yourself. What would you do if you had a map that explained your strengths and growth points? What have you found to help guide your decision-making process?
Be sure to listen to today's episode and check out Carolina's website to connect with her, learn more about Human Design, and see about getting your chart read.
Remember, you can rewrite your stars and it tends to be a lot easier when you have tools to guide you in regard to yourself!

Today's Sponsor:
Starlight Mentoring,

Guest's Bio:
Carolina is a Human Design and Manifestation guide. A mom of two, she is originally from Colombia, she has lived in Canada and NYC and currently lives in London with her family. Human Design has allowed her to blossom and thrive in this stage of her life. As a mom, wife, business owner, and woman in her power. She is passionate about sharing her expertise with Human Design because she has seen firsthand and through her clients the deep impact this system has on people's lives.

Episode Resources:
Carolina's Instagram,

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