Being a Highly Sensitive Person + Vision Board Successes w/ Guest Barbera Schouten

Published: Oct. 20, 2021, 4:21 a.m.

Welcome, this week's guest Barbera Schouten!

Barbera is a transformation coach, a speaker, and an author. She specializes in helping people who feel different than others to be deeply connected with their authentic (spiritual) self, have a crystal clear vision of the life they truly want to live, unleash the power that is already within them and reignite their passion & purpose, so they can have a soulful, profitable business, achieve their dreams and live a fulfilled life on their terms now! Links below!

Barbera shares how she discovered that she was an HSP, a Highly Sensitive Person. From there she details some of the changes that she's been able to make to improve her life and help others that are also HSPs by sharing her story and what steps one can take to help themselves better interact with people who are not HSPs. We delve into some discussions about what it means to be an HSP and also how it relates to other people that are not HSPs. I also ask her how one can tell if they are an HSP or not. I share my 47th Vision Board success and we talk about it a little bit as well and share a few more thoughts before wrapping this one up.

In this season I'm talking with my guests about their story and how they've been able to "rewrite their stars" in their own life. Then after they've shared their story we transition into talking about vision boards for a little bit and I share one of the successes that I've had. Again, why I'm sharing my successes with you is to show that you can do the same thing, to use a vision board yourself and that you can rewrite your stars in your own life. Also, if you want to be a guest on my podcast, then be sure to fill out this questionnaire so that we can see about making that a reality. Because there are so many stories of people rewriting their stars, and I want to share them!

Thanks for listening!

Benjamin Fincher

You'll find more awesome things that I do by checking out my website: where you can sign up to work with me as your mentor. I've recently updated my mentoring packages so that it's a lot easier to work with me! I've also got videos and links to my Facebook and YouTube pages where you can find some great posts and videos. So head on over and see what's up!!

Links to her: Website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn, /HSPCOACHBARBERA Podcast,