Why we should rethink what mental health means (w/ Sandy Allen)

Published: July 10, 2023, 10 a.m.


It feels like talking about mental health, in our workplaces, homes and schools, is not as unusual \\u2013 or as risky \\u2013 as it may have been until very recently. But what do we really mean when we talk about de-stigmatizing mental health \\u2013 and what gets left out of the public conversation? Sandy Allen is a writer, mental health advocate, and the author of the book \\u201cA Kind of Mirraculas Paradise: A True Story About Schizophrenia\\u201d. In this episode, Sandy speaks about the experience of writing a memoir about his uncle who lived with schizophrenia and what the process showed him about the diversity of the human mind and experience. Sandy then shares how he thinks and rethinks what \\u201cmental health\\u201d means, and imagines some of the ways we could begin to restructure society so everyone\\u2019s spirits and minds have access to equitable and dignified care. For the full text transcript, visit go.ted.com/BHTranscripts
