How to discover your authentic self -- at any age (w/ Bevy Smith)

Published: Feb. 5, 2024, 11 a.m.


Wanting to \\u201cfind yourself\\u201d isn\\u2019t something that only happens in coming-of-age movies \\u2013 anyone, at any age, can wonder what it\\u2019d be like to have a different life. Bevy Smith knows this. A self-described late bloomer, Bevy shares what she\\u2019s learned from changing careers at the age of 38, and retells the story of how she completely uprooted her life to pursue her wildest dreams. Bevy also gives tips on how to stop second-guessing your desires \\u2013 and names the one quality everyone needs to be their happiest selves. For the full text transcript, visit
