Its time to CHANGE how you see CHANGE!

Published: Nov. 9, 2015, 12:02 p.m.

b"Here we gooooo! \\xa0Monday Motivation Time!
\\n\\u200bThank you\\xa0thank you thank you for all your comments, shares and\\xa0responses to the\\xa0Monday\\xa0Motivation. I'm\\xa0blown\\xa0away at how the Monday Motivation community has grown, AND words\\xa0can't describe how happy I am that you are a part of it!
\\nThis week I am\\xa0talking CHANGE!
\\nLook,\\xa0truth is, change is\\xa0happening all the time. \\xa0It's\\xa0happening\\xa0around you\\xa0and within you right now, and\\xa0there is no stopping it. \\xa0Here is the exciting news!\\xa0Change can be the gateway to making your\\xa0greatest\\xa0dreams\\xa0happen. \\xa0That's right, CHANGE, when mastered, can take you from where you are to where you want to be!
\\nThis week, learn how\\xa0Nick Woodman (don't know who he is? You will when you hear\\xa0his story) MASTERED\\xa0CHANGE and is now\\xa0living\\xa0his\\xa0passions, making\\xa0lots of money and positively affect millions of\\xa0others!\\xa0\\xa0#BOOYAH
\\nI love hearing from you! How do you see CHANGE? Let me know in the comments below and share with your friends, family and colleagues.
\\nHave a great week and remember to keep dreaming, planning and executing your way to a legendary life! #BOOYAH
\\nYour friend,