Stop Feeling Bad

Published: July 16, 2020, 11 a.m.

Morning Mantra: "The key to feeling good is to decide to stop feeling bad." If you are waiting to feel good or to be happy until something happens, you have let the struggle become a habit.  This kind of thinking is based on an outside source making you feeling good, so until that thing happens you remain feeling bad (unhappy).  
This is the exact opposite of how you attract goodness into your life. You don't need a REASON to feel good.  No amount of money, thinness, friends, power, or things, will change the relationship you have with yourself.  
Depending on outside reasons to feel good is based on fear because none of those things are permanent; at any time they can disappear. Subconsciously you know this.
You can break the habit of feeling bad, of living out of fear.  Start by disengaging in any content that makes you feel bad; the news, TV, certain people.  Fill that space with things that evoke happiness in you. 
Feeling good- happy, joyful, grateful, loving, calm is an energy that attracts more of the same.  It's the opposite of fear.  It is a faith in the Universe that you are worthy, loved and supported just as you are.
#BeWillingToStopFeelingBad #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #MorningMantra #InspirationalQuotes
Quote: Gabby Bernstein