Side With Love

Published: Oct. 18, 2020, 11 a.m.

Morning Mantra: "You are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop."

What we call 'society' is the sum total of human thinking and feeling.  When we change them, we change society.

All of human emotion is rooted in either fear or love.  God gave us free will so we can choose our thoughts and the resulting actions.  

Fear is reflected in hurt, anger, meanness, violence, and the biggest one- judgment.

Love yields kindness, compassion, caring, creativity, joy, peace, acceptance, and the biggest one- forgiveness. 

The creative force of change is within all of us and it's desperate to express itself.

The world we are experiencing today is a result of forgetting we are a part of the collective.  By living for our individual self rather than the greater good.

This doesn't mean we should be self-sacrificing, but rather, choose love over fear. Choose to see and care how your thoughts and behaviors affect the whole.

Today choose not to participate in the collective fear, but rather in the collective love.

Quote: Rumi

#BeWillingToSideWithLove #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #MorningMantra #InspirationalQuotes