New Beginnings

Published: March 1, 2021, noon

Morning Mantra: "New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings."
When I received the email from my landlord that he wasn't going to renew my lease it was a huge shock and very painful.
I couldn't believe it! My shop had survived the Covid shut down (thanks to many of you) and I was eager for the busy holiday season to provide a little breathing room in my budget.
It was hard to believe that at my age, I needed or was ready for a "new beginning".
But apparently the Universe knows what's best for me, and closing my shop needed to happen for the next chapter to begin.
My new beginning took a few months to happen, I think I was still resisting the change, but once I accepted it, my life started to unfold in many wonderful ways.
I now live near the water, and being on or near it has always had the same feeling of being at the barn for me. So, I launched a sister brand, The Bay Hippy.
I decided to get Horse Hippie in the best online shape it could be and (finally) hired an amazing soul sister professional to help me (super excited about the results!).
I found a place to put my mobile unit as The Bay Hippy and it will open in April.
I am over-worked, under-paid, exhausted, but ALIVE with excitement to see where my "new beginning" takes me.
Don't be afraid of those painful endings, it's just a bend in the road, not a dead end.  

#BeOpenToNewBeginnings  #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #MorningMantra #inspirationalQuotes