Look Forward then Back

Published: Jan. 3, 2021, 1 p.m.

Morning Mantra: "Respond in a way that your future self will be proud."
When you are faced with a difficult situation, conversation, or decision, think forward.
Think about how you would like to look back on your behavior, your words, your attitude in this moment.
This exercise will allow you to see this temporary situation in respect to the entirety of your life.  It will help you to already experience the situation, process a response, then, when you are actually IN the moment your positive behavior will be familiar.

Keep in mind that your response to any situation is always your choice. After all, it’s you doing the responding.

#BeWillingToLookForwardThenBack  #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #Morningmantra #InspirationalQuotes