Empathy vs Opinion

Published: Feb. 24, 2022, noon

Morning Mantra: "Empathy allows us to be present without opinion."
Opinions are really the lowest form of human knowledge. They require no accountability, or understanding.
The highest form of knowledge is empathy. This requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world.
It requires us to recognize that everyone has an opinion, and that many opinions are not based on actual fact, but rather on emotion.
Empathy allows us to be at peace with this.

#BeEmpatheticNotOpionated #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #HorseHippieBoutique #InspirationalQuotes #Inspire #QuotesToMakeYouFeelGood #QuotesFromTheHeart #morningmantras 
Quotes: Bill Bullard and Marshall Rosenberg