Be Willing To Ask

Published: Jan. 29, 2021, 1 p.m.


Morning Mantra: "If you never ask, the answer is always 'No'."
Did you know that 65% of the time you ask for something you get it?\\xa0 That's a pretty good statistic.\\xa0

So why are we so hesitant to ask for even a simple thing like a better seat, for the restaurant to prepare your food the way you want it, or for a refund?

If we find it hard to ask for something simple, how can we expect to ask for something harder like a raise, an apology, or for help?

Most of the time it's the fear of rejection, the fear of judgement, or the fear of losing control of the outcome.

Fear comes from uncertainty.\\xa0 So, when you are absolutely certain that you deserve what you are asking for, you will have the confidence to ask.
Confidence doesn't come from thinking you'll be better if you get what you want, it's knowing you'll be fine if you don't.
Believe in yourself enough to ask for what you desire and remember, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

#BeWillingToAsk\\xa0 #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #MorningMantra #InspirationalQuotes
