Be Real Be Kind

Published: Oct. 12, 2020, 11 a.m.

Morning Mantra: "You never look good trying to make someone else look bad."

The internet has made it possible for us to connect with others everywhere.  It also has made it possible for people to feel they have the right to say anything.

Vow not to engage.  Don't waste time having imaginary arguments with imaginary people.

You can speak your truth and do it with kindness, compassion and respect for differences.

If people want to bully and be mean, ignore them.  Don't spend your precious energy trying to justify and defend.  Preserve it for spreading love and kindness.

As one of my favorite authors says, "if you're not kind on the internet, you are not kind."  {Glennon Doyle}

So be kind, spread love, and ignore the haters.

#BeRealAndKind #BeHappy #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #MorningMantra #InspirationalQuotes